JDesignerPro by BulletProof Select a Table

The purpose of the Select a Table screen is to allow you to choose the tables in the data source from which to select fields for display.

When you click the Select a Table tab, the screen will load and automatically display the available tables in the chosen data source. The tables will appear in the Primary and Secondary table lists on the left.

The steps are:

  1. Double click a table name in the primary list. It's details will appear in the fields. None of the fields on this screen are editable.
  2. Single click the required tables in the secondary list.
  3. Enter the required join conditions for the selected tables by using the column pulldowns and the "Add" and "Remove" buttons.
  4. The Selected Data Source field simply shows the data source selected in the previous screen.
  5. The path of the table appears in the DataBase/Qualifier field.
  6. The Owner field shows the ownership account for that table.
  7. The Remarks field displays remarks returned by ODBC when the table was located, if any are found.
  8. Once you have made your selections, press the Accept button.

Now that you have selected a table, click the Select Columns tab.
